64% of your workforce is on the move ...
‘What do you mean invest in my people? Surely my team are grateful to have a good job and I’m a good boss so what more do they need and what’s in it for me? Besides, after the last couple of years I really don’t have the time or money to put into anything that isn’t going to increase my turnover or profits right now.’
At any time 64% of your workforce is looking to move on and 77% of them aren’t really engaged but if we invest in our people, we create an appreciating asset. If we choose not to make that investment we create an asset of diminishing value, a depreciating asset except without the tax benefits. There are numerous ways to invest in your people and they don’t need to involve hefty lumps of cash. Here are some fundamentals you can put in place and that we can help you with so you can continue to build on solid foundations well into the future of your business.
Investing in your people starts with your Employee Brand this is the reason people want to work for you, are engaged when they work for you and why they want to stay working for you. Your Employee Brand is made up of your vision, mission, company culture statement, remuneration and rewards
Next you want to put your hiring practices in place. Now that someone knows they want to work for you how are you going to receive them, and what lasting impression of your business will you plant in their psyche? Some key steps in the process are to
1. Get your vacancy advertising right
2. Stop hiring based on skills
3. Establish Hiring Best Practices e.g., what are your applicant response timeframes
4. Know what training and development opportunities you can offer your new hire
5. Have all your employment documents in place e.g., policies and procedures
6. Have your welcome and onboarding processes ready to go
7. Be ready to roll out your Check-Ins and Performance Appraisals and Exiting Procedures and communicate these to the successful new hire. Yes, you need to have Exiting Procedures in place.
Employee acquisition costs are enormous and most of them are hidden so put these scalable measures in place and grow your profit margin now. We have amazing bespoke service opportunities and training programmes that will elevate your employee engagement, improve productivity, increase profitability, grow your market share, and bolster your business resilience and we can help you access government funding for our services, so I invite you to reach out to us today.