DIY CV? Not Today!

The jobseeker marketplace is different now to what it was pre-COVID-19.  We have the repatriation of hundreds of New Zealanders bringing a wealth of talent with them and we have many talented workers still facing redundancies as businesses continue to navigate our new commercial landscapes. 

So now more than ever jobseekers must present well thought out, professional employment application documents including CVs and Cover Letters.  A massive 95% of CV's poorly represent applicants resulting in numerous lost opportunities for the applicant but also for their potential employers. 

Jobseekers also need to understand and master the interviewing process. 

Job seeking is a serious business and the jobseeker needs to shape up or miss out.  If you are wondering if your CV is representing you well, the answer is it probably isn’t.  

You literally have seconds to make an impression with your application documents and given that 95% of CVs are poorly prepared and presented a professionally prepared CV application stands out like the proverbial beauty amongst beasts, prince amongst frogs.  Make sure it is your CV that stands out, this is not the time to DIY you cannot afford not to invest in your future and get your documents professionally written.  Get your application right the first time and significantly increase your chances of successfully gaining that critical interview opportunity.

 So now you have a fabulous CV and Cover Letter and you have secured an interview opportunity; but do you have the know-how and the confidence to ‘nail it’.  Can you interpret nonverbal cues?  How will you prepare for the unexpected questions?  How do you ask for the job?  How do you negotiate your income? 

You can take the long way round on a road of trial and error filled with rejection and lost opportunities or you can invest in an Interview Coaching experience.