Do You Value Overtime over Performance?
Do you value performance over overtime or overtime over performance?
Richard Branson suggests that we take care of our employees so they will take care of our customers. This is clear, simple, and sound advice for every busy leader and if you apply it, you will have employees willing to work harder for you and not just because they will get a bit more money in their pay cheques. 53% of job seekers state that work/life balance is a ‘very important factor’ when considering whether to take on a new position and employees who feel supported to achieve work/life balance tend to be happier and perform 21% better than those who don’t feel supported.
There are many real benefits to businesses supporting work/life balance. Here are 5 ideas already implemented in other businesses. If these get you motivated discuss your thoughts and ideas with an HR professional to ensure it is the right approach for you and that you will continue to meet your legal employment obligations.
1. The 32 Hour Week - NZ company Perpetual Guardian trialed a 32-hour work week. A test group had their working week reduced from 40 to 32 hours, with employees still paid for 40. After the trial, independent researchers reported the employees felt more energized and a 24% improvement in their work/life balance was achieved. The employees also managed to streamline their workflows achieving the same amount of work in less time.
2. Work Smart and Go Home - many employees feel they need to work overtime to demonstrate their commitment to their job and just as many feel they can’t meet the requirements of their job if they don’t work overtime. Encourage and train your staff to modify their work habits to increase efficiency thereby empowering them to perform their functions in less time and then go home.
3. Work at Work or Work Away - time in the office is not a measure of productivity so if people do their job well, and their job allows it, permit them to trial splitting their time between the office and away. Companies who offer this opportunity report a drop in staff turnover and an increase in customer satisfaction.
4. Relax the Rules - Relaxing the rules has been known to increase an employee’s sense of loyalty to their jobs and improved job satisfaction. You might relax on what qualifies as a Sick Day allowing staff to use these days for physical, mental, emotional or any other general health-related state – no questions asked. You might relax on what qualifies as bereavement leave. For some people losing a pet is as painful as losing a human. Allow staff to grieve for whoever and whatever they value. Another relax the rules strategy is to stop clock watching. Let your employees know that you trust them with their time management. Allow them an extra 30 minutes at lunch time to run an errand. Most employees will make up that time and more somewhere else in their working week.
5. Sleep Mode - in 2017; France gave employees the legal ‘right to disconnect’ restricting the hours that emails can be sent and received by employees. Respecting your employees’ personal time will likely result in their elevated respect for their working hours, reducing time spent on other unproductive activities in the workplace.
Whether you choose to implement one of these initiatives or something similar remember management need to lead by example and make this part of their work culture too. This will deter individuals reverting to their old ways to “make a good impression”.