VLOG - Goal Setting - Reflect Refresh Reset

Let's kick off every New Year with a plan to implement Goal Setting - Reflect, Refresh, and Reset. This approach encourages us to review the past year, envision our goals for the upcoming year, and recalibrate our strategies to achieve them.

Setting goals is not merely about envisioning success; it's about formulating a concrete plan that paves the way for success, leveraging the lessons learned from the previous year.


It's intriguing to note that only 3% of us embark on this goal-setting journey, and a mere 8% of that small percentage have the conviction to follow through. If you are part of that committed group who choose to be intentional rather than drift, I invite you to continue reading.

There are two prevailing schools of thought on goal setting: one believes goals enable us to envision objectives and create pathways, while the other argues goals are limiting and stifle true potential. I propose a middle ground. Realistic goals provide us with something desirable to strive for, achievable with planning and intention, and worth celebrating once accomplished. When a goal is achieved it then becomes a new point of reference, prompting us to reassess and decide whether to rest, move sideways, or move forward, leveraging that achievement.


If you align with the latter view, here are four key steps to success:

1.       After Reflect, Refresh, Reset, start with the SMARTER goal setting method, supplemented by Ripple’s 7Cs extension which suggests you claim your goals, maintain clear focus, get a cheerleader, be courageous, collaborate, act consistently, and celebrate wins. Applying these techniques is likely to increase your success rate by 42%.

2.       Break down your goals into specific, regular, achievable steps remembering we are aiming for consistency not perfection.

3.       Cultivate habits around each step to automate your progress, freeing up mental space for the next challenge.

4.       Understand your accountability needs. Whether you prefer self-accountability or thrive with external accountability, align your approach to what works best for you.


As you lay the foundation for success in 2024, remember that we are here to support you. If you need assistance in achieving your personal or business goals, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at kayleen@ripple.net.nz or on 027 647 5000.

Kayleen MartinComment