Reflect Redefine Recommit
Welcome back to a new year with Ripple Recruitment! In the month of January our focus is all about Goal Setting in the context of Reflect, Redefine, and Recommit. We will be reflecting on last year’s objectives and what we did and didn’t achieve, we’ll be redefining our goals for this year, and we will be recommitting to our intentions with clear, actionable steps. Throughout the month we will be planning — to propel ourselves forward and to set ourselves up for success.
Ready? Let’s go!
Why should we bother setting goals?
Let’s think of goal setting like a road trip. We don’t usually jump in the car and drive aimlessly – we typically drive to a pre-determined destination, somewhere we want to or need to be – we have a goal or objective.
If we are headed somewhere new or unfamiliar, we will likely ask for directions or use a road map to guide us there – we have a plan. We will also probably make sure we have enough gas to get there, we might even check our tyre pressure – we make sure we have the tools and resources needed to reach the destination.
We will also know when we have arrived – we will know what our destination looks like. Just like planning a trip, setting goals helps us identify an objective, map out the journey, and know when success is achieved.
When it comes to goal setting, we typically sit in one of three camps:
1. We find it exciting.
2. We find it tedious.
3. We think it’s a waste of time.
Either way, the undeniable truth is that most of us will fail in achieving our goals. So, let’s look at why we fail and how we can change that outcome.
Here’s the challenge that many of us face, we approach goal setting with flippancy—without a clear plan, purpose, or true intention. This lack of conviction leads to drifting, distractions, and eventual failure.
So, what are the simplest and most effective steps to successful goal setting?
Step 1: Reflect - Reflection is the foundation for growth and there are some key questions to help you reflect. What will I commit to achieving this year? Do I have or can I source the tools and resources required? What will success look like?
Step 2: Redefine - After reflection, redefine your goals using the SMARTER framework: make sure each goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound, Evaluative, and Rewarding.
Step 3: Recommit - Success is rarely a straight path, it will demand continuous recommitment. Ask yourself - Do I want this enough to stay focused and committed – will the effort required be sustainable?
If you are ready to plan for your personal, professional or business future we are ready to support you. Take advantage of our many free resources or chat with us about our workshop options that will elevate your employee engagement and productivity and will measurably increase your business’s profitability.
Reach out today at 027 647 5000 or at