Performance Peering & Check-Ins

In this series we are looking at creating, implementing, and executing Talent Acquisition and Retention Strategies. There are 10 components of your TARS and together they elevate your employer and employee experiences and bolster your business resilience.


Performance Peering and Check-Ins

75% of employees believe feedback is valuable so whilst the old performance appraisals are out, Performance Peering and Check-Ins are most definitely in and they are essential to every employer/employee relationship. We have moved away from performance appraisals for 3 key reasons.

1. They traditionally are a one-way communication structure solely intended to elevate employee performance for the benefit of the business.

2. They are often used in employee exit strategies so they can be viewed negatively and be anxiety inducing.

3. They are infrequent, ineffective, and costly.


What is Performance Peering & Check-Ins

Performance Peering is the process of a business leader regularly engaging with employees one-on-one in a prescheduled 2-way communication loop for the purpose of both parties giving and receiving feedback to the benefit of both parties. Check-Ins are similar but are more frequent, shorter in duration, and don't have a specified agenda other than to briefly share current insights and thoughts. They are used to stay connected and to get updates on 'to do' topics from performance peering engagements.  They are also used to identify current wins and issues and to establish agenda items for a future peering engagement.


Here are 6 pro tips for Performance Peering

1. Conduct these face-to-face or online for remote workers

2. Schedule them at least 6- monthly but ideally 3- monthly.

3. Pre-schedule as least 1 engagement ahead. 

4. Agree on the feedback topics at least 1 week out so each party can prepare for the meeting.

5. Keep the engagement private, confidential, and without interruption.

6. Prioritise these sessions and avoid rescheduling unless in case of an emergency.

5 pro tips for Check-Ins

1. Allocate 15 – 30 minutes.

2. Conduct these at least monthly but ideally 2-weekly.

3. Pre-schedule as least 1 engagement ahead.

4. An agenda is not required as these are less formal exchanges.  More serious topics can put on the next performance peering agenda unless they are time critical in which case a separate meeting should be arranged. 

5. Prioritise these sessions and avoid rescheduling unless in case of an emergency.

I encourage you to implement these 2 strategies today and if you need help with creating or conducting these sessions remember RIPPLE has all the services you need to plan, implement, and execute all components of your talent acquisition and retentions strategies.

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