Recruitment With RIPPLE (2 of 3)

Have you had a bad new hire leave in 3 months or worse have you had them stay? Let us take a deeper look into Recruiting with RIPPLE.

We have covered a brief overview of recruitment previously and I explained that there are visible recruitment costs which include resources for preparing: job descriptions, company policies, vacancy advertisements, collecting, collating, and screening of applicants etc. and there are invisible costs such as the negative impact on other team members, diminished customer satisfaction, reduced productivity, costly rookie mistakes etc.  and now I’d like to go a little deeper into the topic.  

Benjamin Franklin said "Time is money.  Waste it now, pay for it later.” And this is so true in recruitment. 

It takes 48.5 human hours and 8 interviews to make one hire good or bad.  If you get the hiring process right and take on a good hire you can expect to retain them for 3 - 5 years provided you have other aspects of your employee experience and employee brand in place.  But if make a bad hire you can expect them to move on in 3 - 12 months, or worse they stick, and you are sent down the lengthy expensive journey of ‘fair process for dismissing an employee’.

In the recruitment process there is typically:

  • 25 hours of job posting and applicant reviewing

  • 4 hours of pre-screening and short-listing

  • 12 hours of interviewing

  • 7.5 hours of reference checking and completing hiring functions

So, imagine if after all this time and effort and resources that you make a bad hire, you will probably have to make this investment all over again and there are very few SME businesses that can absorb this level of expense.  Unfortunately, some of you may not be imagining this scenario; you may have lived it, it is a common story and a key reason why business leaders use recruitment agency services.    

At RIPPLE we provide boutique quality Recruitment and Human Resource services focused on exceptional outcomes for all stakeholders. 

Some of the outcomes we deliver are: 
1. Job Description & Company Policy preparation and delivery
2. Employment agreement compositions
3. Vacancy advertising design
4. Job applicant screening
5. Potential new hire interviewing
6. Competency and Screening Testing
7. Candidate reference checking
8. Contract negotiations - it's an art
9. Onboarding processes
10. Performance Appraisal designs
11. Career Pathway Development policies
12. Offboarding strategies. 

Being a business owner/leader does not magically equip you to handle all the intricacies of recruiting, hiring and human resource management so we are here to do the job wholly or partially for you.   

Getting recruiting right is a time, money, and resource hungry exercise.  Business leaders often describe this function as overwhelming, nerve-racking and unwanted.  Let’s face it unless you are a recruitment specialist it is not the reason you got into business.  You don’t need to go it alone and whilst using a recruitment agency may seem like a sizeable monetary investment it is absolutely a worthwhile and pain saving investment.  We are here to provide all our clients with an A+ boutique quality recruitment service.